Assess your Digital Maturity Level with Prospero

Key Highlights

Digital maturity is important for businesses as it impacts both business outcomes and customer experience

• The Prospero digital matrix focuses on key components such digital capabilities (across people, process & tech) and not just digital marketing

• It differs from other models by incorporating best practices based on our many years' experience

• The framework provides a step-by-step guide for assessing your firm's Digital Maturity level

• Common challenges in assessing Digital Maturity can be overcome through resilience and stakeholder engagement

Introduction to Digital Maturity Assessment

Digital keeps changing, and for businesses to keep up and stay ahead of the game, they need to get on board with Digital Transformation. It's important to figure out how digitally mature your organisation is right now. This means understanding what you're good at digitally and spotting where you could do better.

The Prospero Digital Maturity Framework is key here; we can guide you through assessing your company’s level of digital maturity and help plot your course for improving your digital maturity with a clear roadmap. Our Prospero assessment is a valuable tool for businesses looking to evaluate their digital capabilities, track progress, and identify areas for improvement.

By leveraging this assessment, retail companies can develop strategic insights to enhance their competitive position, drive revenue growth, and improve customer satisfaction and make them return.

Understanding Digital Maturity and its importance

Digital Maturity is all about how good a company is at using digital capabilities.

It's not just about having these capabilties but knowing how to use them well. This matters because it can make or break how successful a business is and what kind of experience customers have. On the other hand, Digital Transformation often means making sure every part of your business gets along with technology. Having a solid plan for this change helps everything run smoothly.

By looking into where your company stands in terms of digital maturity, you get to see what's working and what needs more work. It’s like keeping score on how well you're doing with technology compared to others in your field. Understanding this can help make things better for people who buy from you while also helping you earn more money.

With new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), self-learning machines, and BPA task automation, businesses are changing the way they work and finding new paths to grow. How mature a business is digitally will vary considerably - some might just be starting with basic tech skills while others are fully blending digital methods into their processes.

Why Digital Maturity matters for your organisation

Digital maturity is important for your company because digital leaders perform better. There is an established link between digital maturity and the ability to grow and meet customer expectations. Digitally mature companies will often make their work processes smoother, to they are more efficient in what they do, as well as giving a Customer eXperience that feel special to them. On top of that, being digitally mature means you're good at using data to make smart decisions which will also help save costs.

Introducing the Prospero Digital Maturity Framework

The Prospero Digital Maturity Framework is a detailed tool that helps you figure out how advanced your organisation is in the digital world. It offers a clear guide on checking and boosting your digital skills. With advice from the Boston Consulting Group, this framework also has a special part for evaluating how good you are at digital marketing, making sure you're following top strategies to improve maturity in this area.

Key Components of the Prospero Framework

The Prospero Framework zeroes in on a few crucial elements that help with digital maturity. It looks at:

• Digital services and how they are operated: This involves checking and benchmarking the digital services your company offers

• Digital capabilities - understanding how well your organisation is set up for digital across people, process & technology

• Marketing assessment: Reviewing how you communicate and market digitally

With these components, the Propsero Digital Framework aims to enhance overall maturity in handling digital aspects within an organisation.

How the Prospero Framework Differs from other models

The Prospero Framework is unique because it is based on over 70 years' experience of working in the eCommerce and the extended digital ecosystem. So we have a good understanding of what works and how to see through the smoke and mirrors to get to the core capabilities of an organisation from both a customer and operational capability point of view.

With its digital marketing maturity assessment, organisations can look closely at their strategy for communicating through marketing and how they're putting those plans into action. This evaluation points out where things could be better and offers clear suggestions on what to do next.

Assessing Your Organisation’s Digital Maturity Level

To figure out how well your organisation is doing with digital stuff and to keep an eye on how things are improving, it's important to check where you stand in terms of digital maturity. The Prospero Framework offers a neat way to do just that.

By looking closely at important parts like the online services you offer and how you market them digitally, you can spot what you're good at and what needs work. This kind of check-up helps decide which projects should get more attention and resources. It also lets you see how your digital growth compares with others in your field or against common benchmarks.

We look at Common Digital challenges and how to overcome them

When trying to figure out how digitally mature a company is, its not unusual to run into some tough issues like people not wanting to change, and therefore not wanting to be involved, and being open to discussing future new technologies. To get past these issues, it's key to keep pushing forward, talk things through clearly, and make sure all the right people are in on the conversation.

With the complicated technical elements of the process we bring in experts who know the appropriate digital technology so can make a clear assessment.

The levels of Digital Maturity we assess are defined by the Prospero Digital Maturity Model

As organisations aspire to be digitally mature, achieving excellence and leadership status comes with strategic planning and great implementation. The Prospero Model sheds light on these progressive levels of digital evolution, guiding businesses towards optimal digital maturity and sustainable growth.

Digital beginners have a long journey ahead of them

Embarking on the digital transformation journey as a beginner can be daunting. Understanding digital strategy, developing digital capabilities, and delivering digital services are crucial steps. Tracking progress, learning new technologies, and enhancing digital skills are essential for growth. The path towards becoming a digitally mature organisation is a continuous evolution.

Digital Silo-isation is easy to fall into

Digitally siloed environments can inadvertently develop within organisations, hindering seamless communication and collaboration across departments. This isolation can impede the sharing of vital data and insights, leading to inefficiencies in decision-making processes. Without a cohesive digital strategy that promotes integration and transparency, silo-isation becomes a common pitfall, preventing the maximisation of digital capabilities and hindering overall operational effectiveness.

Aspiring to be a Digital Organisation

We think this is the minimum level most organisations should be at today. It's the lowest level of Digital Maturity needed to thrive in today's business landscape as a Digital Organisation. Embracing new technologies and developing digital capabilities are key steps towards achieving this goal.

By prioritising digital skills and fostering a culture of innovation, businesses can pave their way towards digital leadership. This transformation not only enhances customer experience but also leads to significant cost savings and improved business outcomes. As companies evolve digitally, they position themselves for enhanced revenue growth and increased market share.

Achieving Digital Excellence as a Digital Organisation

Shifting towards digital excellence as an organisation requires a strategic blend of advanced digital capabilities, robust digital services, and a customer-centric approach. This needs to be viewed holistically rather than by business area to maximise value. By harnessing new technologies effectively and upskilling your workforce in digital skills, you can propel your organisation towards higher revenue growth, increased market share, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Becoming a Digital Leader

Transitioning towards becoming a Digital Leader involves a strategic shift where organisations adopt advanced digital strategies and technologies to navigate the evolving landscape effectively. It requires a proactive approach in leveraging digital capabilities to drive innovation, enhance customer experience, and achieve sustainable growth.

Embracing cutting-edge digital tools and fostering a culture that values continuous learning and adaptation are key steps towards attaining digital leadership status. As a digital leader, staying ahead of the curve by embracing emerging technologies and refining digital skills is imperative for long-term success.

Using these 5 stages and our digital scoring methodology we assess your maturity

We provide a score and feedback on each potential area of opportunity. We can then discuss this with you to develop your new roadmap.

Prospero develop strategies to enhance your

Digital Maturity status

We can work with you on a roadmap that will build in the following aspects:

Prioritising existing & new Digital initiatives in your organisation

To get your organisation ahead in the digital game, we can help you prioritise any existing initiatives and recommend new areas for you to consider. We will base our prioritisation on our discussions with you about your priorities

We will consider how each project could boost sales, make customers more likely to return, and what will help your market positioning and help you stand out more in the market.

Leveraging Technology for Digital Transformation

To accelerate Digital Transformation, you need to make the most of appropriate technology. Companies have to be on their toes, always ready to bring in new tech into what they do whilst fully understanding what features and functions they will value from the new technology to ensure they extract maximum value.

You will need to stay up-to-date with artificial intelligence, machine learning, data & analytics and process automation. Knowing how these can help gives companies a chance to get better and more innovative and satisfy customers better.

Digital capabilities takes time to develop so initiate changes early

This is the part where you make sure your company can actually handle the Digital Shift. This might mean putting money into things like cloud services, analytics tools, and protecting against cyber threats. On top of that, teaching your team new digital skills is key so everyone’s equipped for change.

By getting Digital Capabilities established correctly, companies can smooth out their operations and give customers a better experience while pushing forward with digital transformation. It helps them keep up in a fast-changing world and deliver something special to those they serve.

Lessons Learned from Digital Transformation Journeys

When companies, particularly retailers, start their journey to become more digital, they can learn a lot from others who've done it before. These insights are helpful in avoiding mistakes and making smart choices along the way.

As a priority, having strong leaders who get everyone on board is crucial. When the whole company gets behind this change, things go smoother. It's all about changing how the organisations do things together and seeing eye to eye on our goals.

Then there's the principle that you have to keep learning and adjusting as you go. Since technology and customer expectations are always changing, being able to move quickly and try new things is key. This means sometimes failing - but learning from those failures is important too. Since AI is driving the agenda at the moment , it's important to recognise which areas it enhances customer experience rather than just cutting costs. So prioritisation and bing customer journey-based are key.

Measurement, using that data & analytics capabiltiies wisely to understand what is happening and tailoring your brand's CX will make a big difference in winning at Digital Transformation.


Understanding your digital maturity level is key to keeping up with the fast-changing business world. Leaders perform better.

The Prospero Digital Maturity Framework gives you a clear assessment to create your own roadmap to boost your digital skills and succeed. Developing digital capabilities and using technology in a smart way is the clearest way to excel digitally.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the First Steps in Assessing Digital Maturity?

To start figuring out how digitally mature your organisation is, the first thing to do is take a good look at what digital skills and readiness it currently has. This is why we created the Prospero Digital Maturity framework.

By conducting an assessment, you'll be able to spot where you're strong, where you need some work, and what areas could use some improvement. With these insights in hand, creating a plan or roadmap for boosting your digital transformation becomes much easier.

How Often Should We Reassess Our Digital Maturity Level?

We suggest that this is driven by the level of board confidence - if you believe you are may have wandered off the correct path then have an assessment. The resulting roadmap will last 2-3 years which can then be updated, however we believe that clients will not have the appetite for a full reassessment more frequently than every 5 years.

Digital Maturity - 4 Key Topics

By enhancing their digital maturity, organisations stand to gain considerably.

They'll be quicker to respond to changes happening around them and they'll be making smarter choices based on digital insights gathered from digital analysis of data. Below are 4 key topics that need consideration before embarking upon a journey to be Digitally mature.

How do you learn from the experience and wisdom of others who are on the journey

Digital Maturity Insights
Prospero Digital Maturity Model
Digital Maturity Assessment
Digitally Mature Organisations

What are the key characteristics of mature organisations that you need to know

How to have an effective and realistic base line from which you can grow

The Importance of being able measure & monitor the stages you will navigate