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Insights & Reports

We like to share our knowledge and expertise in a variety of ways. We all have views on the digital world and these are ours.

Here you will find our thoughts on a wide variety of related subjects, our Perspectives section and Insights through various reports and white papers.

Our Podcasts series 'The Multichannel Success Podcast' has been downloaded by hundreds and we feel sure there's something for everyone. If that's not enough please take a look at our blog...

The Multichannel Success Podcast

The Multichannel Success Podcast aims to help retailers and brands to be successful in Multichannel & eCommerce - based on our many years' of experience by providing practical suggestions and advice from seasoned industry experts.

Brought to you by David & Mark from Prospero Commerce together with our friend David Kohn from the Multichannel Expert, along with numerous guests who kindly gave up their time to have a chat with us.

See all the Seasons for the Multichannel Success Podcast >>>

a laptop computer with Multichannel podcast logoa laptop computer with Multichannel podcast logo

Performance Gap Model

image of performance gap modelimage of performance gap model

We created a model that allows clients to view how changes in digital funnel metrics effect profitability.

You can dynamically change settings and see the results to generate your own what-if scenarios for eCommerce.

Learn more here >>>

Digital Maturity Model

The level of digital maturity of an organisation will dictate what level of change it can sustain. So it is important to understand where your organisation sits.

We created a framework that underpins our AS-IS assessment and have shared this so you can see where your organisation fits.

See more here >>>

White Papers

Customer acquisition white-paperCustomer acquisition white-paper

Customer Acquisition - 2024

The future belongs to those who can seamlessly blend creativity, technology, and strategic acumen to not only acquire customers but also to create meaningful and enduring relationships in the digital age.

Download the white paper here >>

Read our Customer Acquisition and Retention thoughts here >>

White paper - Efficiency is your new superpowerWhite paper - Efficiency is your new superpower

Why efficiency is your new Superpower - 2024

This white paper explores the pivotal role of efficiency in the contemporary retail landscape, delving into how technology, strategic decision-making, and adaptation to the complexities of modern retail are essential for success. Furthermore, it investigates the key metrics for measuring efficiency, such as revenue per employee and speed to market, while advocating for a problem-solving approach to drive meaningful change.

Download the white paper here >>