Primark in denial
Swimming against the tide
Interesting view on Primark in today's Sunday Times
'Under chief executive Paul Marchant, Primark — aside from a brief trial on Asos — has not sold a single garment online. Resisting the digital revolution has led to a £1.5bn pile of clothes, which must be shifted without the usual numbers of bargain-hunters ranging across its 189 stores.'
“Primark won’t radically change its model,” said analyst Richard Hyman. “When some sort of equilibrium is re-established, it will still be the cheapest, and one of the strongest, players.” All it needs now is for shoppers to come back.
Feels a bit like 'head in the sand to me'
In our recent article on the 'New Normal' we begin to identify the changes needed to put Digital at the top of the agenda - lets hope they perform something of a u turn before customers do!
#retail #primark #reopeningstores #digital
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Why is Primark swimming against the tide?